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This is an optional donation to our 60th Reunion Picnic to help cover the cost of the venue, memory board, decorations, tableware, paper products, name tags, favors, cake, etc.


•   Sandy Wheeler  7/13
•   Barbara Zunner (Reynolds)  6/16
•   Judi Suchinsky (Tybor)  6/13
•   Linda Wilson (Ryan)  6/11
•   Ruth Freeman (Starr)  6/7
•   Ed Batcho  6/4
•   Jim McGarry  5/10
•   Brian Lambert  5/9
•   Joe Tripi  4/19
•   Gil Kepner  4/12
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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 51.8%

A:   337   Joined
B:   313   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

60th Reunion Coming Up!

We have secured the NOCO Pavilion in Sheridan Park for Saturday, August 17th, 2024 at 1:00 pm.  We will have an informal, afternoon family style picnic reminiscent of the days we enjoyed with our families at Sheridan Park, Beaver Island, and Ellicott Creek Park in the 1960's. 

A caterer that will provide roasted chicken, roast beef on rolls with au jus, Italian sausages with onion and peppers on a bun, sheet pizza, potato and pasta salads. Food will be served around 2:30 - 3:00pm. 

The price will be $25 per person for the food and refreshments. The link, "60th Reunion Picnic",  on the left side menu has the info you need to RSVP and pay.

We need an accurate count of attendees by August 1st, so please get your reservation in. 

Hope to see you there, and please spread the word via email and Facebook to your '64 friends who may not be aware of our reunion. 


Bob Mioducki,



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Kenmore West Class of 1964
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