Kenmore West High School
Class Of 1964
Carol Lozner Appelbaum
Carol's Latest Interactions
I finally got a new password and looked for you.
Bruce and I are in Houston, and Colorado in the summer.
We have 3 grandchildren, 26, 24 and 22. Our oldest will be a bride April 9th.
I saw a cute girl on your site!! How old is she? She is just adorable.
We have nice memories of times with you and Rose.
So sorry, please accept my sincere sympathy. I still remember you both as such a cute couple in high school.
Charlene was always warm and nice as I recall. She lost her Dad in high school and was so strong.Rest in peace.
I remember your house, and both your parents.
I have not seen Lynn since high school. She sat in front of me in class ,do not even remember whcih one But, I vividly remember her smiling face and being happy to see her. She always brightened my day. So, sorry to hear she passed away.
All these years later and so far away I remember her being so nice all the time
Carol Lozner Appelbaum.
I remember Marcia in Junior High. She was always such an easy person to be around.
Rest in peace. Carol Lozner Appelbaum
Posted on: Aug 01, 2014 at 6:16 AM
Remember me, you delivered our paper ? I married Bruce Aopelbaum, we left Buffalo for grad school for Bruce and live in Texas . I have worked with at risk kids.We have two boys and three grandkids. Hope you are well. Where do you live?